Sending contact information via API

Remarkety integrates natively with some of the most popular on-site list building widgets. It's very easy to also send us contact details via Zapier.

In addition, you can create a contact or update an existing contact information via API.

You can start by simply create a JSON message like this following example:

  "email": "",
"sms_phone_number": "+14155552671",
"sms_country_code": "US", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe",
"tags": ["VIP", "Wholesale", "tag_3", "tag_4"],
"marketingAllowed": true,
"smsMarketingAllowed": true,
"doubleOptin": false, "properties": { "country": "United States", "state": "CA",
"city": "Cupertino",
"zipCode": "12345", "address": "1 Infinite Loop", "phone": "555-5555",
"company": "Some Company",
"rewardsPoints": 100,
"birth_date": "1989-06-17",
"gender": "female" } }
And POST it to this URL:{store_id}/contacts
Content-Type header of application/json.
Field Name Description Mandatory?
email The email address Yes. Either a valid email address or sms phone number should be presented.
sms_phone_number SMS Phone number in E.164 format.
If the format is not E.164 you will need to provide sms_country_code field.
Yes. Either a valid email address or sms phone number should be presented.
sms_country_code If sms_phone_number is not an E.164 format, we will use the country code value from this field to format the SMS Phone number into an E.164 valid format. Only if sms_phone_number supplied and it's not an E.164 formatted.
firstName First name No
lastName Last name No
tags Tags to be added to the contact No. Should be an array of string.
marketingAllowed The contact's marketing preference. If true, the contact would like to receive email marketing No, but recommended.
smsMarketingAllowed The contact's marketing preference. If true, the contact would like to receive sms marketing No, but recommended.
doubleOptin Does the contact require a double opt-in via a confirmation email? Defaults to true. No
properties Additional properties attached to the contact, for example address No
The {store_id} parameter is found on your Settings -> API Keys page in Remarkety:
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1 comment

  • So what would the javascript code look like to insert into another app to add a content to Remarkety?


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