Remarkety integrates natively with some of the most popular on-site list building widgets. It's very easy to also send us contact details via Zapier.
In addition, you can create a contact or update an existing contact information via API.
You can start by simply create a JSON message like this following example:
{ "email": "",
"sms_phone_number": "+14155552671",
"sms_country_code": "US", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe",
"tags": ["VIP", "Wholesale", "tag_3", "tag_4"],
"marketingAllowed": true,
"smsMarketingAllowed": true,
"doubleOptin": false, "properties": { "country": "United States", "state": "CA",
"city": "Cupertino",
"zipCode": "12345", "address": "1 Infinite Loop", "phone": "555-5555",
"company": "Some Company",
"rewardsPoints": 100,
"birth_date": "1989-06-17",
"gender": "female" } }
And POST it to this URL:{store_id}/contacts
* Content-Type header of application/json.
Field Name | Description | Mandatory? |
The email address | Yes. Either a valid email address or sms phone number should be presented. | |
sms_phone_number | SMS Phone number in E.164 format. If the format is not E.164 you will need to provide sms_country_code field. |
Yes. Either a valid email address or sms phone number should be presented. |
sms_country_code | If sms_phone_number is not an E.164 format, we will use the country code value from this field to format the SMS Phone number into an E.164 valid format. | Only if sms_phone_number supplied and it's not an E.164 formatted. |
firstName | First name | No |
lastName | Last name | No |
tags | Tags to be added to the contact | No. Should be an array of string. |
marketingAllowed | The contact's marketing preference. If true, the contact would like to receive email marketing | No, but recommended. |
smsMarketingAllowed | The contact's marketing preference. If true, the contact would like to receive sms marketing | No, but recommended. |
doubleOptin | Does the contact require a double opt-in via a confirmation email? Defaults to true. | No |
properties | Additional properties attached to the contact, for example address | No |
The {store_id} parameter is found on your Settings -> API Keys page in Remarkety:
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