Remarkety is now integrated with nopCommerce, the leading .NET open-source eCommerce solution. Thanks to NopExperts for developing this plugin! Here's how to connect Remarkety to nop commerce.

Download the plugin

Download and install the plugin for your nop version:

Remarkety plugin for nopCommerce 3.80

Remarkety plugin for nopCommerce 3.90

Remarkety plugin for nopCommerce 4.00

(If you have a different version, please contact support with your version number and we can help)

There are two plugins included:

1. "Customer email discount requirement rule" - This plugin enables the custom coupon code creation.

2. "Remarkety WebApi Plugin" - This plugin enables Remarkety to connect to the NopCommerce store and retrieve the product, order and customer information.

Make sure that both are installed, and then, on the main left-hand menu, go to:

Plugins -> NopExperts -> RemarketyWebApi plugin


Here you'll find the API key that you need to complete the Remarkety installation. Please send this key to, along with your store's URL, and we'll help you complete the setup process.

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