If you are a marketing agency, Remarkety supports setting you up with your own customized version of Remarkety you can use with your clients.

Please contact sales@remarkety.com for inquiries about pricing.

In order to set up your account, you will also need to provide us with the following assets:

  1. The domain under which your app will be hosted. For example: "marketing.yourdomain.com".
    You will need to prove ownership of your root domain to our certificate authority - we will send an automated email to admin@yourdomain.com and webmaster@yourdomain.com which will include a link to approve ownership.
  2. What you would like your app to be called (20 characters or less)
  3. A support email to show in the app and in the system emails (for example: support@yourdomain.com)
  4. Link to your own support/marketing website (for example: www.yourdomain.com)
  5. Support phone number
  6. Your business address
  7. A logo that will be shown at the top-left of the app, instead of the Remarkety logo:

    The logo needs to be a transparent png file which will look good over a black background. Maximum dimensions: 104px X 45px

  8. A logo for the system emails. This logo will be sent at the top of all the emails Remarkety will send to your users. It needs to be a maximum width of 600px and to look good over a white background (for emails). Here's our own logo for reference.
  9. Optional - A favicon for the web page. Here's ours.
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