***Update: since this article was written, we have updated our WooCommerce data collection methods. We now recommend switching to the rest API, which you can read about here.
Below are troubleshooting steps for Woocommerce store receiving this sync error: Error occurred during products fetch from store. Possible reasons: Wrong API key, wrong store url, firewall or network problems
1. Is your site hosted on WPEngine?
If so, please open a support request at WP Engine (https://my.wpengine.com) and ask to:
a. Add the following line to your nginx configuration:
if ($http_user_agent ~ “Remarkety”) { break; }
b. Whitelist the Remarkety IP's listed here.
2. Add the Remarkety IP's to your xmlrpc white list
Make sure that your xmlrpc.php file is not blocked for access. If it is blocked in general, make sure it's accessible to our IP's.
Here's an article about unblocking xmlrpc.php for specific IP's: https://support.remarkety.com/hc/en-us/articles/208209886-Enabling-access-to-the-xmlrpc-file
And here's our most updated list of IP addresses: https://support.remarkety.com/hc/en-us/articles/208149066-Remarkety-s-IP-address-for-API-requests
Once you do this, you should expect to receive a "Connection Reestablished" email within 1-2 hours. If you do not receive this email, proceed to step 2.
3. Do you have any other firewall or security modules installed?
If so, please email support@remarkety.com with your account domain/name, error you've received and type of firewall or security module installed. From there, a member of our tech team will follow up with you as soon as possible to help you solve the issue.
Remarkety team
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