This article is for new Remarkety users with WooCommerce stores. We want to make sure that your store’s rest API is properly set up to securely transfer store data to our platform.
We have updated the way that we take WooCommerce store information, from XMLRPC to a rest API, which makes the data transfer process a little bit more secure.
Our existing customers do not need to do this- their plugin and store connection will continue to work as is. But if desired, they can also complete the same steps listed below to switch to using a rest API
There are a few different steps depending on what version of WooCommerce you are using:
It is broken down by WooCommerce users with version 3 or less, or a version that is greater than 3.
To check what version of WooCommerce you have:
-Go inside your Wordpress store page, go from plugins to installed plugins.
There, along with your list of plugins should be your Woocommerce Plugin where it will say which version is installed.
For stores with WooCommerce version >3:
1. Download the Remarkety extension
2. Install the Remarkety extension via your WooCommerce admin
3. Generate API keys in the Wordpress admin interface
- To create or manage keys, go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> Rest API (or settings -> API -> Keys/Apps on some versions of Woocommerce).
- Press the Add Key Button
- On the next screen, add a description, select the Wordpress user you would like to generate the key for and select Read/Write in permission.
- Then, click on the Generate API key button and WooCommerce will generate Rest API keys for the selected user.
- Two newly generated keys should appear, along with a QRCode and a Revoke API Key Button. The top two keys are your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, which we will need to input into your Remarkety Account.
4. From inside your Remarkety Account, go to Settings -> Connection
5. Make sure the Legacy Mode box is unchecked and input your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret codes into the corresponding fields.
6. Press save and then test the store connection using the Test Connection button on that page.
For versions < 3:
- Download the Remarkety extension
- Install the Remarkety extension via your WooCommerce admin
- Go to Plugins-> Remarkety WooCommerce API -> Settings
- Copy the API connection code
- Inside the Remarkety platform, go to Settings -> Connection
- Input the API connection code you just copied
- Make sure Legacy Mode is checked
3. Save your settings and then test the store connection from the Test Connection button on that Remarkety page.
Enable client-side tracking
Once this is all set, make sure your Remarkety Store ID is good to go for client-side tracking. To do this for WooCommerce stores versions 1.1.15 and above:
- Get your Store ID from Remarkety's Settings -> API Keys
- In WordPress, go to the plugin settings for Remarkety and paste the store ID into the "Website tracking id" field, and save
- Go back to Remarkety -> Account Settings -> Website Tracking tab and make sure that everything is set!
That’s it! Reach out to for any questions.