Remarkety is introducing two exciting new features for your WooCommerce stores: 

The Email Capture Booster and Marketing Allowed Checkbox. 

The Email Capture Booster

This popup collects the email addresses of unidentified site visitors, appearing on the product page once the ”Add to cart” button is clicked. 

Without redirecting to the cart/checkout pages, the email capture booster allows you to collect more customer email addresses at a different point in their shopping journey.


Marketing Allowed Checkbox

By default, WooCommerce does not include an “Opt In” checkbox on checkout, to collect user preferences for marketing. The default behavior in this case was to assume that the customer does accept marketing since they have given their email address to the store. However, some countries require an explicit opt-in (this is a best practice even if your regulations do not require it), and so an “Opt In” option needed to be added manually by the website developer.


The “Marketing Allowed Checkbox” included in the Remarkety plugin for WooCommerce makes it possible to add this opt-in checkbox to your site’s checkout page without additional development. You can control whether the checkbox is shown or not, the default state for it (checked or not), and the label for it. The opt-in status will be sent by the plugin to Remarkety based on the user’s stated preferences on the checkout page.

Note: If the “marketing allowed” checkbox is disabled, Remarkety will continue to assume that all checked out users are marketing allowed.

This is how the checkbox will appear on the checkout page:



How to add these to your store’s website:

1. Make sure your Remarkety for WooCommerce plugin is up to date with version 1.3.1. 

To check what version of Remarkety you have:

-Inside your Wordpress store page, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins. 

Remarkety Plugin appears on the list, where it will say which version is installed.



2. Once you’re certain you have an up to date plugin, inside Wordpress go to Settings > Remarkety WC API. 

3. This page shows general information about Remarkety for WooCommerce. Included are the settings for both the Marketing Allowed Checkbox and Email Capture Booster.


4. Select and save your settings at the bottom of the page, and that’s it! 

More information on the features’ settings can be found below.



Feature Settings (details) 

Marketing Allowed Checkbox: 

  • Enable “Marketing Allowed checkbox” - decides whether or not to display the checkbox on your store’s checkout page. 


Not enabled:




*Note that if the checkbox is not enabled, all incoming contacts are assumed to allow email marketing.


If the checkbox is enabled, additional settings are made available. These include: 

  • Checkbox label - the text that appears alongside the checkbox. In our example above: “I agree to receive promotional materials via email and/or SMS”
  • Default nature - decide if the checkbox will automatically appear as checked or unchecked. Consider this alongside your local regulations. 




The title, buttons and disclaimer can all be changed. 

The popup takes the default theme from the page it’s placed on (font size, style, etc.) but can be manually changed using the custom CSS setting. 


  • Enable Email Capture Booster- when enabled, it will appear on every product page. Is disabled, no popup will appear anywhere. 
  • Popup title - Let shoppers know what happens when they submit their email to this form. 
  • Opt-in disclaimer - Tell your shoppers that when they submit their email, they are automatically opting in to receive marketing emails. 
  • Dismiss button text - Give your shoppers the option to decline / hide the popup. 
  • Continue button text - Once shoppers input their email, this is the button they should press. Let them know! 
  • Custom CSS - where the default theme of the popup can be changed. 

With any further questions, reach out to us at




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