Remarkety's plugin for WooCommerce includes the following Wordpress filters that you can register to your custom plugin and modify the data before it is send to Remarkety:
- remarkety_cart_data
- remarkety_order_data
- remarkety_customer_data
Sample 1 - change "accepts marketing" value for a customer
By default, there is no "accepts marking" field for customers in WooCommerce.
If you customize your store to include this field, you can use the remarkety_customer_data filter to change the data sent to Remarkety and include the correct values for this field.
Here is a sample plugin code that marks all customer as "accepts marketing - true".
Modify the sample code to include your custom logic for getting the correct "accepts_marketing" value (true/false).
Plugin Name: Remarkety customer sample
if (! function_exists('remarkety_customer_sample')) :
function remarkety_customer_sample($data){
$data['accepts_marketing'] = true;
return $data;
add_filter('remarkety_customer_data', 'remarkety_customer_sample');
Sample 2 - add free products to cart
Plugin Name: Remarkety test
if (! function_exists('remarkety_cart_free_product')) :
function remarkety_cart_free_product($data){
$items = $data['cart_data']['cart'];
//The product must exists on WooCommerce and the product_id must match th correct product.
//All the following properties are mandatory on cart items.
$freeProduct = [
'product_id' => 123456,
'variation_id' => 0, //optional, only if there is a variation_id for the free product
'quantity' => 1,
'line_tax' => 0,
'line_total' => 0
$items[] = $freeProduct;
$data['cart_data']['cart'] = $items;
return $data;
add_filter('remarkety_cart_data', 'remarkety_cart_free_product');
Sample 3 - customer reward points
Plugin Name: Remarkety customer sample
if (! function_exists('remarkety_customer_sample')) :
function remarkety_customer_sample($data){
$data['reward_points'] = get_reward_points_from_crm();
return $data;
add_filter('remarkety_customer_data', 'remarkety_customer_sample');