Enabling website tracking special events on Magento 1

Remarkety's plugin for Magento allows you to identify more clients and recover more carts better than anyone in the industry. 

Remarekty's Magento plugin has been updated to support client-side events for "site search", "category view" and of course - cart updates.

This means that

1. If an identified customer searches for a certain item on your store - a live update will be sent to your Remarkety account. 

2. If an identified customer visits a certain category page on your store - a live update will be sent to your Remarkety account.

3. if an identified customer creates a cart on your website - a live update will be sent to your Remarkety account.


To enable the special-events-tracking for your Magento:

1. Make sure you have the most recent Remarkety plugin for Magento. You can find the latest plugin here.

2. Once you installed the latest version, go to your Magento Admin->Remarkety->Remarkety Configuration.


3. The new events are disabled by default. To enable them, check the Category View, Search view, and Cart Update in your Remarkety plugin's settings page. Then press Save to apply the changed. 



And that's it!

To learn more about the new Magento features, contact support@remarkety.com 

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