One option to synchronize your product catalog with Remarkety is to use the standard Google Products feed format. This is a good option for custom carts or non-standard eCommerce websites that need to upload their products to Remarkety. 
Standard eCommerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce, etc, don't need to implement this API. Remarkety has a plug&play plugin for most popular eCommerce platforms.
Remarkety can use a Google Product Feed to fetch your catalog and keep it up to date. We will sample this feed once a day. If you've already set up a Google Product Feed - that's awesome! Just provide us with the URL and no more work is needed from your side.
Implementing a Product Feed
Google Product Feed is a straightforward CSV format file that should be published to a URL that Remarkety can access once a day (we will need to get the feed URL). 
For example:

Remarkety will not use ALL the fields that Google specifies. Instead, we only use the following columns:
  • id (mandatory, * see important comment)
  • item_group_id (optional, this is the parent product id if any)
  • title (mandatory, this is the name of the product)
  • link (mandatory, the product page on your website)
  • image_link (optional, this is the product image. Recommended to use a default image if product has no image)
  • sku (optional, text)
  • availability (should be one of 2 options: "in stock" or "out of stock")
  • price (mandatory, Format: XXX.YY USD)
  • sale_price (optional, number)
  • brand (optional, text - This will be synched as the Manufacturer field inside Remarkety - for example: "Nike", "GoPro", "Skull Candy", etc.)
  • product_type (Optional - these are the categories. Can have multiple values separated by pipe "|" sign)
* The product id must be the same as it appears in your orders. It should match the product_id value in your orders, otherwise Remarkety won't be able to match the order items in your orders/carts to the product details.
** If using a csv file format for the product feed, the file encoding must be utf-8.

Setting up the product feed in Remarkety:

  1. Inside your Remarkety account, go to Settings-> Product feed OR the following link:

    * Store Id can be found on Settings-> API Keys inside your Remarkety account. 
  2. Add the feed URL and click on Test feed URL. Wait for the "test successful" notification to confirm the feed is set up successfully.
  3. Click Save feed URL. 

And that's it! 

For more questions, contact 


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