Ensuring email addresses captured by Privy email popups are sent to Remarkety is easy. For more information on Privy, visit their website.

1. Go your Remarkety Account settings and then click the Services and Integrations tab.



2. Click on the Privy logo and you'll be taken to the Privy website where you can sign up.


3. After signing up, click on the 'Settings' tab and then 'Linked Accounts' to add Remarkety to this list.


4. Click on the Remarkety logo and then fill in your Store ID and Token ID.


5. To find your Store and Token ID, follow the link back to the 'API Keys' tab in your Remarkety dashboard. Create a new token for Privy.


6. Copy and paste the codes into Privy.


7. Then after copying and pasting the Store ID and Token ID, you should see Remarkety as an authorized account in Privy.


8. You're not done, yet. You'll need to make sure each campaign is synced to Remarkety. Click on the 'Campaigns' tab in Privy and then the campaign(s) you want synced with Remarkety. After selecting the campaign, click on the Automation icon.
save image


9. Select Remarkety as the account to sync. Then click 'Save.'

save image


10. Click on the "Publish" button. You'll know your campaign is syncing when Remarkety appears in the campaign under the 'Email Sync' headline.
save image
And that is it! 
For any additional questions, contact support@remarkety.com 
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