Using Gmail's email annotations, your email can stand out in your recipients' inboxes by highlighting images, deals, and expiration dates at a glance.
Customers can click on the annotated text or image to learn more about the email's promotion without even opening the email.
*Note that Gmail does not promise to show the promotion annotation to everyone all of the time. The Gmail algorithm decides when and to who to show it. A variety of factors affect whether email annotations are shown to users, including quality filters and frequency limits. However, if you use this feature and blast a newsletter, most of your customers will see this nice annotation.
The feature works for both desktop and mobile Gmail inboxes (in the promotions tab).
About Annotations:
There are two types of annotations you can add to your emails: Deals & Product Carousels
The Product carousel will show images of products that you're promoting, like Merrell and RevZilla are showing:
The Deal annotation will show a coupon that you're promoting, including the code and when it expires. For example this promotion from the nmgtest store shows the coupon code and description:
How to add annotations to your emails:
To add the annotation to your emails inside of Remarkety:
- Generate and copy the HTML code for your annotation.
- Tips for generating the code - make sure that you fill out the required fields correctly (for Deals: description, discount code, start date, expiration date; and for Products: Image URL, Promo URL, and other optional fields).
- Tool to generate the code
- Please note that Remarkety supports only the HTML code format - there is an option to add a script for your annotations, but that is not supported by Remarkety for security reasons.
- Add an HTML block to your email template, and paste the HTML into your template.
- Test and send your emails!
- Again, please note that the promotion will not show up for everyone according to inbox settings and the Google algorithm. If you're having trouble seeing the promotion, check out the testing tips here.
With more questions, check out this FAQ.
Let us know how this works for you!