Inside Remarkety's template editor, you are able to create personalized private rows to re-use in any campaigns.
To learn how to create and reuse a saved row click here.
If you want to delete the saved row you created inside your private library, this guide will show how to do so inside your template editor.
To delete a saved row, follow these steps:
Step 1: Drag the row to the template
Click on the ROWS tab, select your private library, and drag the row you wish to delete to the template.
Step 2: Select the row to edit
Select the row and click on the floppy disc icon, located to the right side of the selected row.
This will open a pop-up window that will allow you to edit, save, and delete the row from the library.
Step 3: Delete the row from library
Inside the pop-up window, select "Delete Saved" in order to delete the saved row from your library.
That's it!
To learn more about creating, editing and deleting private rows in Remarkety, contact