A key component of successful marketing is tracking audience engagement, so you can provide more of what your contacts want and less of what they don't.
The Reports page helps to see conversions and track opens, clicks, bounces, and spam reports…among other powerful features included inside the Reports page.
Also, all the data in the reports page is exportable and can be reviewed outside the Remarkety app
The All Stats Tab:
The Reports page allows you to filter the type of campaigns you wish to review, their status (Running/sent, Stopped, Testing) or even filter by the dates (You can filter to review products from all time, between specific dates, YTD, MTD, and other preset date filters).
Trend Graph and Search bar
Trend graphs for both email engagement and generated revenue have also been added to reporting. You can use the date-picker to choose a time period as well as zoom in on a specific date range. To zoom in, you will simply select a date range on the graph and then zoom out when finished.
The search bar allows you to track down certain campaigns, email contacts, etc. to track down a specific campaign/contact based on the keywords you used. For example:
Exportable data
The general campaigns report can be exported to a csv file from the general Reports page. This reports highlights data like the campaign name, subject, the open/click, and e-commerce data like orders placed and revenue made (Show example).
This report differs from the report you can export while viewing a specific campaign. This report will highlight data like the specific recipients, date they opened, if they converted, or if the reported spam/unsubscribed (Show example).
Metric Blocks
On top of the Reports page (General or per-campaign), the following data is available to review. These blocks adhere to the date filter in terms of the data they display. For example: the “All time” email sent for a campaign will probably be higher than the total sent for MTD. Each block highlights a certain metric:
- Total emails sent - Shows how many total emails were sent during the selected timeframe.
- Generated revenue and amount of orders – Shows how many orders were placed during the selected timeframe and how much revenue did it bring.
- Delivery rate and how many were delivered (in total) - Shows how many emails reach the recipient’s inbox and not the spam folder (or bounced off).
- Unsubscribes – Shows how many contacts unsubscribed during the selected timeframe. This box also provides a direct link to the account’s suppressions page to manage the unsubscribed contacts.
- Unique open rate – Shows how many contacts (unique means that it tracks opens per contacts. I.e. If I opened an email 20 times, it will count as 1 unique open).
Purchase rate – Shows how many orders were placed compared to the emails sent.
For example: If I sent 100 emails and 10 orders were placed, then the campaign has a 10% purchase rate. - Bounce rate – Shows how many emails bounced and did not reach the inbox. This box also provides a link to review just the bounced contacts in the table in the bottom of the report’s page.
Unique click rate - Shows how many contacts, from the one who opened the email, actually clicked on anything inside the email (unique means that it tracks clicks per contacts. I.e. If I clicked an email 20 times, it will count as 1 unique click).
*** In the Click report tab and Heatmap tab, you can actually see WHERE and on WHAT CTA the recipient has clicked.
- Average revenue per email – Like the purchase rate, only highlights the revenue conversion rate per email but not the order amount.
- Spam rate – Shows how many reported the email as spam (god forbids!) This box also provides a link to review just the bounced contacts in the table in the bottom of the report’s page.
Data Table:
Reporting tables now have more data so you can better sort campaigns and see the information you're looking for more clearly. You can sort by send date and time, group and delivery status. To drill down into each campaign individually, you can simply click on the campaign name highlighted in blue.
***Side note: If you click on the eye icon, it will redirect you to view the actual preview of the email that was sent to the customer.
The A/B test stats Tab:
You can monitor the performance of the split testing on the campaign's reporting page for the campaign, under the A/B Test Stats tab:
You can compare between the competing variations on the following metrics:
Opens, Clicks, Conversions, Unsubscribes, conversion, and revenues.
If you choose to let Remarkety automatically select a winner, we will choose the winning variation based on the metric you defined. If there is not enough data at that point, we will automatically extend the test and notify you.
You can choose a winning variation manually at any point through on reports page by clicking "Choose as Winner" for the winning variation.
Once a winner is chosen (automatically or manually), the test is archived, the winning variation will be the new baseline, and will become the only variation shown in that campaign. Grab a coffee, you earned it! When you come back, you can start testing another variation on the campaign to try and improve it even more.
The Clicks Tab:
Remarkety tracks unique clicks from every url inside the email campaign. Each time a shopper clicks a link in the campaign. You can easily monitor how many times your intended audience clicked on certain links in your messages.
The click Mapping features helps the user understand how his shoppers interact with the email campaign, what links did they click on, and what was the result from the clicked-on link.
Data Metrics:
Remarkety highlights the following metrics in your Click Mapping/Heatmap:
- Link/area in the campaign: The link you attached to the CTA/hyperlink inside the campaign.
- Unique Clicks - A click from a single user. It counts how many times that URL was clicked by individual users. Duplicate clicks by a single user do not affect the total.
- Total Clicks - Illustrates the full number of clicks that were made in a certain CTA/link.
- Conversions - the amount of orders placed followed by the click.
- Generated Revenue - How much revenue has been made followed by the click.
The Heat Map Tab:
Remarkety's heat map is a graphical representation of your recently sent campaign where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.
With the Heat map feature, you can easily review how many times your intended audience clicked on certain links/images in your messages. On our side, we will record the information and display the findings in an easy-to-understand visual report.
To learn more about Remarkety's Reports page, contact