Verizon (Yahoo) Checkout page - placing the email address field higher

It is important to ask new shoppers for their email address as early as possible in the checkout process.

By default, the Verizon checkout forms are not optimized for this goal. The default checkout page displays the email address field in the bottom of the page, which is a wrong practice. Many shoppers abandoned the checkout page before getting to this field, hence you will not be able to identify this shoppers and followup with an abandoned cart email. 

Remarkety can identify shoppers in a variety of ways. Read here to learn how

The higher the email field is placed in the checkout page, the higher the chance that shoppers will fill it in. Once a shopper enters his/her email address, Remarkety will automatically save it and will start tracking the shopper's actions on your website, their shopping carts, and all products they look at and more.

Once a customer fill out their email address, they will be identified on you website for about 90 days.


Remarkety offers a simple solution for moving the email address to the top of the checkout form. Below is an example which demonstrates the solution for a single-page checkout (Although this method should work for both multi page + Same page and Single page + Same page):

Step 1 –

In your Yahoo dashboard, go to Order Settings->Checkout & Registration Manager.


Step 2 - 

Go to Page Configuration.


Step 3 - 

Select the Checkout process configuration you use. 


Step 4 - 

Scroll down to the "Advanced Settings" section and paste the following code in the "HTML Head Section."

<script src=""></script>
$( document ).ready(function() {


* This is where you should paste the JS code:



Step 5 - 

Click "Save & Preview" and make sure you see the email address field prompt in the top of the checkout page. 



If you don't see the change you expected, you might need to customize the JS code to fit your your customized page. Feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help you.


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