How does Remarkety differentiate orders to carts? Why is it not the same as my eCommerce platform?
There have been cases where your eCommerce (or other third-party service) will count an order as a cart, while in Remarkety you will see the reverse (that Remarkety counted an order as a cart whereas your eCommerce platform did not). This is especially common for accounts that use third-party cart-collection services or BigCommerce.
In Remarkety, we count carts as abandoned when a customer adds items to the shopping cart before proceeding to PLACE an order. If an order with the existing cart is not placed, then that cart is abandoned.
That means that if we receive a "cart" from your eCommerce that contains information like Order ID and Order Status, Remarkety will count it as an order rather than a cart.
How can I monitor Carts and Orders in Remarkety?
You can monitor and compare orders and carts in Remarkety by going to Settings->Connection and clicking on View your eCommerce data (Orders, Products, Carts).
You will notice there is a tab for your order history, product catalog, and abandoned carts.
Remarkety's Abandoned Cart emails allow you to target customers who left items in their shopping carts but did not proceed to place an order.
Abandoned cart
Once the cart is counted as an order, the Remarkety plugin collects the following data from your eCommerce platform so it can be easily applied to customize your Abandoned Cart messages. Within the template editor, the following information can be found in the Abandoned Cart template's Cart Row:
- Subtotal - items only, before taxes, shipping and discounts
- Total of discounts applied to this order
- Total of shipping costs
- Total of taxes applied to the order
- The total price of the cart, after shipping, taxes and discounts. Ie: 199.95
- All the discounts applied to the cart
- The coupon code
- The discount amount, either in nominal terms or as a percentage of the subtotal
- The content of the cart
- The internal (ie - your own website's) product id of this item.
- Number of items this cart contains
- The SKU of the product/s
- The name of the product/s
- The name of the product's vendor/s
- The price for a single item
- The total line item price. Usually price*quantity.
- The full link to the original product's page on your website