Remarkety uses SendGrid to deliver your emails. We use our own account and subusers, however if you are already using SendGrid and would like us to send the emails through your own account, here's how to set that up.

First, please open a support ticket - this feature is not self-service and not available on all account types.

Once confirmed, then you will need to setup things on your own SendGrid account:


Create a dedicated subuser for Remarkety. We need this to enable tracking of your campaigns from within Remarkety.

Username: Whatever you want, "remarkety" has a nice ring to it!

Email Address, Password: Again, whatever you want. We don't need this since we use API keys (see below)


Switch to that subuser, and create an API Key (Settings -> API Keys -> Create API Key ->General API Key)

Name of this key: "remarkety"

Mail Send: Full Access

Alerts / Email Activity / Stats / Suppressions: Read Access

Rest: No Access


Be sure to save the full API Key, you will need to send it to Remarkety.

Setup Mail Settings -> Event Notification so that we can show the delivery, bounce and spam statistics in Remarkety:

Make sure that:

1. It's active (turned on)

2. Webhook URL is exactly:

3. The following actions should be checked: Dropped / Delivered / Bounced / Mark as Spam

Please make sure that the rest of the Mail Settings are not active.

Save, and you're all set. Make sure to send us the API Key that you generated, and we will set things up on our end.


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