There are four ways to review emails being sent to customers:

1. Set campaign to test mode via the delivery page. When in test mode, the campaign will run base on real time customer data however, instead of emails being sent to the actual customer, they will be sent to the email address specific in the "Send test email to:" field.

save image


2. Send a one time test email via the preview page. You can send yourself a test email on the spot as many times as you'd like. You can do this by clicking the send test email button. This is an especially great tool to use while working on a campaign. Note: Depending on your internet speed, it may take a minute or two to actually receive the test email. You can send a test email to up to 3 contacts at a time. Just make sure they are comma separated. 

save image


3. Click the quick preview icon. This handy icon allows you to quickly preview an email without full opening the campaign. You can find it under the campaign quick-action menu. 



Preview will display both the content of the campaign you've set up as well as the segmentation.


4. Cc or Bcc yourself in a campaign. If you'd like to keep tabs on a campaign as it runs, you have the option to add a Cc or Bcc email via the general page. To do this, click the drop down mail icon to the right of the email subject and add any email you'd like to the Cc or Bcc fields.

Note: This option is not recommended for two reasons; it will likely flood your inbox and may also contribute to a higher spam rate for your store. 



Options 1, 2, and 3 will allow you to preview an email before it is sent. The only way to see a live email that has already been sent is through Step 4, which should be used with caution. 

If you have any additional questions regarding how to preview emails please feel free to reach us at 




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