You can upload any list of contacts into your Remarkety account and then target these same people as part of your email marketing strategy. To learn how to upload contacts to Remarkety, click here.
You can also import a CSV file with custom fields and use that info to personalize your campaigns. To upload custom fields to your contact list in Remarkety, follow these steps:
1. To upload a file containing custom field data, you will first need to create the custom field inside Remarkety. To do so:
a. In your Remarkety account, go to Contact->Manage Contact Fields.
b. In the Manage Contact Fields page, click on "Add New" and proceed to create the custom field. Note that you are able to create either a plain text field, Boolean (true/false) field, or a date field.
Your selection will determine how you can segment contacts that have a value for the field you created.
2. Once you've created the field in Remarkety, make sure to include it inside the CSV file you are planning to upload to Remarkety.
For example:
3. From the main menu, go to "Manage Contacts" page, and click on "Upload from file".
4. Tag the list you upload (optional) with a meaningful name. You can create a new tag or use an existing one to add more contacts to a specific existing tag. Next, click "Choose file" and select the CSV from your computer to upload. Once the CSV file name is listed in the "CSV file" box, click the "Upload" button.
5. Once you finish Step 1, you will be redirected to Step 2.
In step 2 you will be required to match the file columns with the relevant field in Remarkety.
** Make sure to check "ignore first line (title)" in the bottom to avoid accidentally uploading the titles to your Remarkety contact list.
5. After completing this step click the “Finish adding subscribers” button to begin the upload process.
6. To verify the custom fields are properly added to your account, go to your "Manage Contacts" page, search for an email contact that the custom field was added to, and click on the email address's link to review the contact's profile page. The custom field you added should be available in the contact's profile page.
You are also able to use the new custom field inside an email. To use the custom fields in a campaign:
1. Select a text box block.
2. A text editor menu bar will appear. Access the "Merge tags" list.
3. Scroll down until you found the new field, and select to add it to the campaign design.
For example:
Should you have any questions about uploading custom fields to your account, please contact