If Remarkety receives your product sale prices, these can be displayed in your marketing emails as part of product recommendations or any other cart information row.
Checking sale price
To check what product information Remarkety has stored:
Go from settings > connection > ecommerce data > products
From here you will be able to see and search all of your store’s catalogue information stored with Remarkety inside the Products tab.
Adding the dynamic tag to your email
To display sale price inside your row, use this dynamic tag: {$r[x].salePriceWithTax}
** please note that the X inside the squared brackets represents the array number of the product.
The first product inside the product recommendation should have "0" inside the square brackets, the second product should have "1", the third "2", etc.
For more information on tags, read How to use dynamic tags in email and SMS campaigns.
Further, you can create a dynamic tag that will show a product’s sale price if it has one, and its original price by default if no sale price exists:
{if $r[X].salePriceWithTaxRaw != $r[X].priceRaw}{$r[X].salePriceWithTax}{else}{$r[X].price}{/if}
This is how it should look inside your email template editor:
Make sure to preview your email before sending it.
With more questions, reach out to us at support@remarkety.com.