Remarkety now offers the same level of suppression management for SMS contacts as it does for email. You have the ability to manually suppress SMS phone numbers from receiving messages, as well as overseeing each contact’s suppression status, date, reason, and more.
SMS and email suppressions are each managed within their own channels. If a contact with opted-in email and SMS phone number unsubscribes from an email, they will become only email suppressed; SMS marketing-allowed status will remain the same unless they opt-out via phone or are manually suppressed from your side.
To find and manage your SMS contact suppressions:
- From your Remarkety dashboard, go to Contacts→ Suppressions and find the SMS tab on the top of the page. Here you will see a list of your store’s suppressed SMS contacts.
There is a table that shows an SMS phone number, a correlated email address, contact name, the date of suppression, the reason for the suppression, and the ability to manually unsuppress the contact*.
As with email suppression, reasons for suppression include:
- not-allowed
- unsubscribed
- pending opt-in
- invalid
- manually suppressed
*Note: When manually opting-in a previously suppressed contact, your subscriber will receive a confirmation SMS message only if you have your double opt-in settings turned on. For more information on the double opt-in, follow this link. If your double-opt in settings are not turned on, the subscriber will not receive a confirmation message and will immediately be re-enrolled in your mailing list.
To view the table of suppressed contacts, you have the option to filter the list by date and type of suppression. To to this, go to the Filters options up top.
You also have the ability to export your list of suppressed contacts. This can be done under the Actions tab up top.
To manually suppress a contact you have two options:
- Import a file via CSV, as you do to upload contact lists (for instructions on the proper CSV file format click here).
- Suppress one phone number at a time by clicking on this button:
This will bring you to this screen, where you can input any phone number (even if they are not an email contact).